Sovereign Grace Youth Camp

What’s in a name? Well, in this case, every word completely accurate and descriptive.

Sovereign – by the good will and purpose of God.
Grace – the means of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Youth – 13 to 19 year olds.
Camp – structured activities to stimulate both body and soul.

The camp is set up for the glory of God, not only in the preaching of the Word, but also in practical areas such as our dress code, and ministering to the spiritual needs of young people, along with games and activities to incorporate physical exercise and supervised fellowship by our volunteer counselors, each a church member in good standing.

There are preaching services twice daily most days of the camp by our “Camp Pastor” (a Pastor of a church chosen by the supporting churches well in advance); group sessions, where we break into age-related sessions taught by church Pastors or Sunday school teachers with common themes all pointing to Christ in some manner. A lack of “food” is never the case at camp – neither physical nor spiritual.

In between the teaching and preaching times, we have a Tournament Challenge, in which there are many structured team-related activities, where our campers sometimes discover a new ability. There is a Bible-challenge game, archery, ping-pong, mini-golf, volley ball, and cabbage ball (ask a former camper about this one ).

Each day there is also a sing/swim time, where the boys and girls, separately, alternate between the two. We also realize that with much activity, there also needs to be a bit of rest time. During these supervised times, the campers are encouraged to rest, read their Bibles, or discuss the day’s lessons. The counselors are available for any questions/discussions the campers may want to engage in.

Early in the week, we have a square dance, which we have found to be an excellent “ice breaker” with our new campers. This we do early so that we may concentrate on the more important issues of the soul the rest of the week.

Later in the week we engage in a Talent Share, allowing the campers and counselors to share the abilities the Lord has given to them.

Our campers are continuously encouraged to seek Christ and His glory in all aspects of the camp’s activities.

More info and registration form: Youth Camp 2013

Youth Camp Photos

(Click on photo to enlarge.)

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